163 Stevenson Park , Tullyally, Londonderry , BT47 3QT
02871 347950

Ashlea Nursery Unit is modern and well equipped for both indoor and outdoor play. It provides twenty-six full time places for children of pre school age. The Nursery was included with the Primary School in the recent Investors In People award. All of the children, parents and staff are highly valued and motivated. The children are helped to develop personal, social and emotional skills. Staff seek to build up confidence and self esteem as well as an attitude of caring and sharing amongst the children.

Healthy snacks

A mid morning snack is provided for the children consisting of milk, toast and fruit. In this way staff try to encourage the children to make sensible choices regarding their diet and promote independence by children helping to prepare their own snacks. Dinner time is also an important feature of the day

Caring for the environment

The children are taught to put their litter in the nearest bin. They also have fun filling window boxes with flowering plants and growing their own indoor and outdoor plants and sunflowers. They enjoy looking after wildlife and making their own bird feeders.

Indoor play

The children enjoy everything that is provided. They enjoy role play, dressing up, jigsaws, sand and water play, story time, painting, play dough, construction toys, simple cookery sessions, art, craft and music and movement activities. There is a computer in the Nursery which is only switched off when the children go out to play. They learn to control the mouse and have great fun with various programs carefully selected for their age group.

Outdoor play

The children are encouraged to put on and take off their own coats and to use buttons and zips independently. Once outside the “junior” bicycles are among the most popular toys. They also enjoy the sandpit, slide, scooters, cars, seesaw, 2 and 3 wheeler bikes, fixed climbing frame and the new digging and investigation area. Children also have many opportunities to engage in imaginative play outdoors, which is greatly enjoyed by all.

Parental Involvement

The Nursery staff work closely with our parents, to ensure the best for all of our pupils starting on their 'school journey'.